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DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 Live Stream

“I’m so proud of how far we have come and how fast. This transformation is an incredible collective effort involving everyone from core committers, Drupal Association staff, volunteers, and agency partners; together, we focused on iterating rapidly and focused more on user experience than ever before. we had some brave out-of-the-box thinking…”

Dries Buytaert, the founder and project lead of Drupal

Drupal Meetup u Novom Sadu

Uzbudljivo okupljanje Drupal zajednice nedavno je održano u prelepom Novom Sadu. Drupal Meetup bio je prava prilika za više od 60 učesnika da se povežu, prisustvuju inspirativnim predavanjima stručnjaka i učestvuju u diskusijama.

Ryan Szrama - Commerce Guys - Doing well and doing good - DrupalCampPannonia

Ryan Szrama talks about doing well and doing good at the same time in the Drupal community and open source in general.

He walked us through his life before founding Commerce Guys up to today.
Key points from his session are: How did I get here? How becoming a part of Drupal community changed his life, Founding Commerce Guys, Learning to help others and Lead with core values.

Learn more about his values and his journey by watching the whole video.

Bojan Živanović - Commerce Guys - The present and the future of Drupal Commerce - DrupalCampPannonia

Commerce Guys (Bojan) one of the lead developers told us about some history of Drupal Commerce and about future they are headed.

The community is huge around this distribution, more than 1k people are on #Slack channel.

Akademika was one of the examples where Commerce serving more than 10 million products.

Another example was ZKungFu fast food chain, with over 1 billion dollars revenue each year, all the orders are going through Drupal Commerce.
We have also learned about, taxes, payment methods, coupons… and we saw a glimpse of “Layout Builder”.

Ruben Teijeiro - Youpal AB - Creating an Enterprise Level Editorial Experience - DrupalCampPannonia

For the last session of the first day Ruben Teijeiro from Youpal AB talked about how to create an Enterprise level editorial experience for Drupal 8 using React.

He starts with Decoupling followed by Page Builders that are mostly Drag-n-Drop based tools using examples from Elementor, Paragraph and others explaining why they should be used and how they help you manage content more efficiently. 

If you are interested in making your content editing effortless and quick, then this presentation is for you.

Mladen Đurić - Koder - Drupal, Docker, Composer, Gulp, oh my! - DrupalCampPannonia

Mladen Đurić from Koder focused on local development on our machines. 
He talked about Docker, Composer, Gulp and Drupal.

He went into great detail to explain how Docksal, an all-purpose web-development environment based on Docker and Docker Compose, can help you with easily creating fully containerized environments for your projects.

Another topic of his presentation was about Gulp, and how easy it is to produce something, whatever it is. 

Valery Lourie - Machine learning and content management - DrupalCampPannonia

Valery Lourie from FFW Agency talked  about application of machine learning algorithms to content management

Very popular theme these days. Valery told us about machine learning algorithms. His presentation is based on a Standford university course. Key points from the session are: What is machine learning, Supervised learning, Linear regression, Online learning.

Vladimir Japundza - React - DrupalCampPannonia

Right after Ryan Szrama, Vladimir gave us basic knowledge what is React and how it can be implemented in the decoupled Drupal 8.

Every attendee had a chance to get the ropes of this technology and how it can help in everyday work.

After the presentation we organized the React workshop, it was very effective in a cozy atmosphere.


Krijstijan Lukačin - 4 Years of Agency Agilization - DrupalCamp Pannonia

Kristijan didn't have time to prepare his presentation, but his speech was helpful in every possible way, you should definitely hear it.

Pain process and steps every company must take when trying to practice an agile way of doing things.
Kristijan shared the experience with the agile coach they had, how the thing got better and sometimes worst.

Overall this was real life presentation how Kanban or Scrum are used in the production when you have one client, big project or when you have maintenance work to do.